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quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

Top 25 combates da WWE em 2009 !

Segundo a WWE, estes são os 25 melhores combates do ano de 2009
(por ordem decrescente) clique na continuação do post.

25 - Elimination Chamber pelo WWE Championship - No Way Out

24 - Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat - Backlash

23 - DX vs. Legacy - Hell in a Cell

22 - Christian vs. Yoshi Tatsu - ECW

21 - Team RAW vs. Team Smackdown - Bragging Rights

20 - Jeff Hardy vs. John Morrison - Smackdown!

19 - John Cena vs. Jack Swagger - Champion vs. Champion - RAW

18 - Undertaker/Cena/DX vs. Punk/Orton/Legacy - Smackdown!

17 - Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison - 2 out of 3 Falls - Smackdown!

16 - Money in the Bank Match - Wrestlemania 25

15 - John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - RAW

14 - Christian vs. Chris Jericho - ECW

13 - Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy - Stretcher Match - Smackdown!

12 - Team Orton vs. Team Kofi - Survivor Series

11 - Randy Orton vs. Triple H - Three Stages of Hell - The Bash

10 - Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio - SummerSlam

9 - Triple H vs. John Cena - RAW

8 - Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison - Smackdown!

7 - Edge vs. John Cena - Last Man Standing - Backlash

6 - Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk - TLC Match - SummerSlam

5 - Elimination Chamber pelo World Heavyweight Championship - No Way Out

4 - Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Iron Man Match - Bragging Rights

3 - Edge vs. Jeff Hardy - Ladder Match - Extreme Rules

2 - Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio - The Bash

1 - Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 25

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